h Monday, August 31, 2009
First of all, happy teachers' day to all teachers!
Ended school early today.
I will post as now I have a tag!
Thanks XUAN SIS!
After school today at school all the way, until 5 like that.
Play volleyball, basketball and a little football. haha.
Went to eat with Zafiq and Ivan.
Then went home le.
Zafiq supposed to call us but never!
Dunno where he go la.
Anyway, thats all for today!
Till next time,
8:30 AM
h Friday, August 28, 2009
Very lazy to blog these few days.
Till next time,
8:00 AM
h Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Stayed in school today to see B'girls basketball match against NavalBase sec.
Regina relax!
Ok then slacked at school until 6.20pm, then leave for home.
Very tired.
Come back do a little homework.
Then watch tv until now.
hai. Gonna sleep soon.
Till next time,
8:01 AM
h Monday, August 24, 2009

The beautiful sky.
Didn't go school today. Went to KK hospital take out cast with mum.
Come back at 1.30pm.
Left home at 2 plus. Went meet Yuki, Ivan and Zafiq at bk.
Study until 7 plus.
In that time, MingHui, Reeqe, Yenlin, Darren and Kaijun came.
Darren and Kaijun came at the same time but not with MingHui they all.
Oh ya, Regina they all came too.
Didn't know alot of chemistry stuff!
Ok thats it. then came back then do finish A maths homework.
Till next time,
8:27 AM
h Saturday, August 22, 2009
Stayed at home for whole afternoon today.
Went out at night to find Ivan and Zafiq. Then went to find Yussra at ahtong.
After awhile Amirol came.
Sat there and waited for Omar and Darren.
Went to summer grace eat.
Then Minghui came.
Slacked there and ate until 10pm.
Walked with Yussra and Darren go home then Ivan, MingHui, Omar and I left too.
Thats it for today.
Till next time,
7:58 AM
h Friday, August 21, 2009
Stayed in school today and finally Yussra they all joined us!
Fun core.
Slacked around and watched the match between our schools C'boys and Sembawang secondary schools C'boys.
Didn't know what the score really was but there were many goals. And funny goals too.
Roamed around the school kicking football around.
Then, left school at 7 like that.
At night, Yussra, Zafiq, Afiq and Omar came to find Ivan and I under our block.
We were downstairs and when I called them they were at AhTong!
So we both were so bored and we went up to my house to take something.
That kept us very fun and we laughed alot.
Its actually the 2008 yearbook.
I remembered so many from that. Knew more people in sec 1 and 2 then sec3.
Only if could talk to them again.
Anyway, when they came, which was like 50 minutes later, we went to play basketball.
It was so dark and even if a ball is scored, it defintely can't be seen!
Awhile later, sent Yussra to bus stop.
Then the rest of us went under block.
Shared our stories. Laughed alot.
Left at 10.45pm.
Today was great. Only if everyday is like this, I would love my life more after school! And thats better!
Ok thats it.
Till next time,
8:34 AM
h Thursday, August 20, 2009
Haven't been posting for last 2 days.
Didn't even use com alot. Hai, alot of work to do nowadays.
I went back to school on wednesday.
Lucky I decided to go back because got alot work I don't know especially maths!
Yeah I still have to catch up.
Anyway, they came to my house on tuesday. Then left at evening.
And nothing really much for wednesday.
For today, very fun and good day.
Liverpool defeated Stoke City 4 to 0 and its so cool.
I watched a little bit of the repeated match before my tuition start.
Then after school today, many dissapeared to Ah Tong and some went to football training.
But YongJian didn't. So MingHui, Yong Jian and I went to class 3e8 to play with the school communication phone!
Fun to the core!
We called many classes and one of it was 3e7.
They were having lesson and we knew it so we just disturbed!
We even disturbed 4e5 and 4e5!
Laughed like mad!! When the class answer I cannot tahan just burst out laughing!
Want shout into the phone or what also can't.
Aiya...so much fun staying in school.
Hope not to get caught the next day!
Then we went to see football training.
It was the chinese coach like the other day.
The one many disliked.
Anyway, thats all for today.
Till next time,
8:00 AM
h Monday, August 17, 2009

Haven't been posting for last 2 days.
Didn't have much to post too.
Hai, dissapointed that Liverpool lost to Spurs. Honestly saying, Spurs were much much better then the reds. They deserved the win.
Hope Liverpool can find a replacement for Alonso before the new guy from Roma comes in in October.
And congrats to Arsenal for thrashing Everton 6-1.
Very nice game I watched it.
And all the promoted teams from the Coca-Cola championship lost.
I watched all the matches and Birmingham was the only team I thought was not bad out of the 2 other promoted teams.
Anyway, its just the first game of the season. And who knows? Many things can happen for the next 9 months of the Premier League.
May the best team win the League!
Ok thats it about football.
Saturday, some of them came over to visit me.
They were, MingHui, Yenlin, Darren, Ivan, Reeqe, Xinyi, Kaijun and Sylvia.
All wrote wishes on my cast except Yenlin and Sylvia. Thanks:)
Then stayed at my house until 5 plus when they left.
They said they went to watch a movie but I don't know if they did or not.
I didn't go with them so I rotted at home and waited for the premier leaugue to start.
Thats about it for Saturday and Sunday was the same except that clique didn't come over.
Till next time,
7:47 AM
h Friday, August 14, 2009
Today is no ordinary day.
Can say an unlucky day for me.
Before training, was playing at basketball court with volleyballs as the volleyball CCA was going on.
I wanted to shoot the ball into a basket and therefore had to take a ball first.
A ball was rolling and I streched out to reach for the ball with my foot, and then fell down!
And I also kicked until a girl with with studs too. Paisehh sia!
Then didn't go for training ready.
Waited for the rest to finish.
Then around 7.15pm left for home.
Had to hold my hand up always because it cannot be streched or bent up too much.
Then went home and had a hard time bathing and changing.
But managed to in the end.
After dinner went to Raffles Medical at Northpoint. The doctor was so rough! Anyhow twist my hand!
Then he sent me to SGH with my father.
Reached there at 9pm.
Got an X-ray, but nothing much.
Was quite long and I left SGH at 11.15pm.
Will also have to go to KK for bone doctor checkup next week.
Hai, can't go school for 5 days.
Good or bad?
Don't care la.
And by the way, I am typing this with only one hand and it is very very tiring.
Till next time,
9:17 AM
h Thursday, August 13, 2009
Long day today. Stayed in school awhile after school.
Around 4 plus, went to ah tong. Never play, as had alot of new people most of us don't know.
Then, around 6 Regina they all came.
Chit-chatted awhile, then left at 7.20pm.
Oh ya, and they say want work at 18 chefs.
Haiyo...still ask me join them.
I will have to see how first!
Took 800 with Regina, Huiqi and Sara.
Waited for the bus so long.
Thats it, and our school sec1 and sec2 girls got thrased 9-28 in basketball to Northview sec!
But hope they can work harder and keep it up :)
And, Goodbye Xabi Alonso. :)
KOPS will love you forever :)
Till next time,
5:54 AM
h Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Today just like yesterday.
Ivan and MingHui didn't come school.
But after school, they came to find us.
Most of them left for ah tong, and MingHui, Ivan, Sara, Reeqe and I were staying in school.
Played soccer for awhile, then Darren came soon after.
Then played a little while more, then I took the last kick before leaving and the ball flew up to the 3rd floor behind the aircon box.
Aiya, sway la.
Anyway, nevermind le.
Then left at around 5.35pm, then went home le.
Till next time,
6:54 AM
h Tuesday, August 11, 2009
At school the whole day today, wanted to go ah tong, but didn't.
Played basketball at school after such a long time. Played with MingHui, Darren, Reeqe and Sara.
A no rules game. HAHA!
Then slacked at school after playing.
Slacked at school.
Then after awhile, went to play volleyball and football awhile.
Around 6 plus, left for home.
Went to buy dinner, then come back le.
Gonna slack in school more...fun:)
Till next time,
5:12 AM
h Monday, August 10, 2009
Went to town with family today.
First, went to Douby Ghaut as my brother wanted to buy newurbanmale bag. I bought a slipper too, so could have 50% discount.
Then, took MRT back to Orchard to the ION mall.
Bought a sweater from TOPMAN.
Went to walk around there for awhile, then going down to OrchardCentral.
I didn't buy anything from there.
After that, came back home le.
Reached home around 6pm.
Gonna do homework soon.
Till next time,
4:52 AM
h Saturday, August 8, 2009
For 8 august 2009
First of all, Happy birthday to Jacquelyn and BingHong.
Never went anywhere today, but after church went to meet MingHui all.
Went to slack at Northpoint for awhile then sent Darren home.
After that went to summer grace, ate a little bit there.
Chatted alot, and laughed alot too.
Left for home around 10.45pm.
Then saw Yuki at her house bus stop.
Nothing much.
Tomorrow National Day.
Till next time,
8:34 PM
h Friday, August 7, 2009
Today, was very fun in school. Enterprise day. The best day of the school year!
Walked around the school as usual, and played with water too.
So fun, but made some people angry, and was not so fun too.
Anyway, after Enterprise day went swimming with Yussra, Reeqe, Sara, Naveein, Yasseen and Afiq.
Swam a little bit, then played after Yussra they all came.
Then, went to find clique somewhere around Northpoint. Then went to slack around Northpoint too. After that, some went home.
then MingHui and I went to eat dinner at Northpoint. After dinner, was deciding to go home, and while on the way to the bus interchange, saw Huiqi, Xinying and Sylvia.
Huiqi and Sylvia sent Xinying to her bus stop before joining us.
So, we didin't went home and we slacked even longer after that. Went to the playground at block 120.
Called Amirol, Jiayu and Omar down, join us.
Around 10pm, we left for home.
Tiring day today.
Brought out 20+ dollars, and came back with only a few coins. Spent so much.
But anyway, it was a special day today, especially in school.
As it is only held once a year, I bought more things.
Thats all for today.
Till next time,
9:03 AM
h Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Normal day at school, went to buy bubble tea with some after school. Then went to ah tong.
Play awhile then MingHui and Darren left for tuition.
Nixon played...keeper. Not bad ah.
After that around 5.20pm Sara, Nixon, Omar and I went back home.
Come back home, then 7.30pm have tution.
Nothing much happened today.
10 more days...
Till next time,
6:52 AM
h Tuesday, August 4, 2009
YongJian and Sara never come school today..boring ah. But nevermind, after school still fun. Played soccer at school. Then some go ahtong.
Minghui and I stayed at school for table tennis. Didn't play much too. Played soccer more.
Then waited for Yuki then went home together.
Thats about all for today ah. And don't have much homework today, good.
Till next time,
5:53 AM
h Monday, August 3, 2009
Go school,
go eat at summer grace,
go ah tong,
come home tuition.
Watching tv.
Sleeping soon.
Till next time,
7:30 AM