h Monday, February 22, 2010
School still as boring.
After school waited till 3pm for geography achievers lesson.
During that period of time I ate alot.......
Still didn't eat my full but stopped as I wanted to save!
Then geography lesson did some geography shit.
So after that, went down to basketball court that area and slacked there.
Watched Omar and Zhenghou play volleyball.
As the table tennis was on, I went to play it with Saywan and Ivan.
I won every match that I played !
Luckily still had my skill...
Played till around 5.45pm and then slacked at the benches outside the bookshop.
Left for home at around 6.30pm with Ivan and Reeqe.
Till next time,
4:47 AM
h Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Ok school is so boring damn it...
Till next time,
4:44 AM

Save the Tigers
Till next time,
4:40 AM
h Saturday, February 13, 2010
Happy CNY to all celebrants :)
Haven't been posting these few days as didn't have time to do it.
Went to Sentosa on friday.
Saturday at night went to my grandmother's house for reunion dinner.
After that, headed to Chinatown to see countdown which included fire crackers.
I have never seen it before.
Ya thats it for the previous days.
Till next time,
10:39 PM
h Thursday, February 11, 2010
Today escaped project stars after school and went to eat at sun plaza with YongJian.
Then played football at usual place.
After around 45minutes, Sara, Reeqe, Afiq, Kumaran and Minghui arrived.
Minghui left for home which was just beside the placed we played at.
Play for quite long then suddenly fall down while trying to intercept a ball.
Wth my hand got injured again and this time its the right hand.
Dunno if I should go school tomorrow cause not going doctor and would not have MC.
See ah how.
Damn tomorrow its friday and I hope I won't be staying at home!
God cure my hand!
Yeah thats all for today.
Till next time,
5:02 AM
h Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I don't like maths lesson.
It sucks. But the subject itself is alright. :)
After school stayed back for some stupid maths lesson.
Was so tired just fell asleep and was also dreaming!
How cool is that!
Ended at around 2.45pm.
Changed my mind of playing football as YongJian and Sara didn't pick up their phones.
As a result I didn't have the mood and left for home.
Reached home watched tv and ate food. Slept next and woke up at 7.30pm.
Watched haimajide while doing my damn cursed maths homework...
Didn't do all because it sucks.
Studied chemistry because there would be a test tomorrow.
Hope to get full marks :)
Thats it for today.
Till next time,
5:48 AM
h Monday, February 8, 2010
Ain't yours lautner!
Till next time,
6:49 AM
I bought a Liverpool jersey which was the black one. I think I said it in my previous post.
I want to talk about it more.
Still looking foward to buy the original red colour, silver, green and white one.
Must save money then!!!
Today had social studies test after school at 3 at 4/9.
It was quite different from the sample that Mr. Chia gave us to study as it wasn't set by him.
It was a common test.
After that went to Sembawang to play football with YongJian and some Sembawang people.
Same old people same old game.
Left around 6.30pm and reached home at approximately 7pm I think.
Yeah thats it.
Till next time,
4:06 AM
h Sunday, February 7, 2010
Went shopping today attown area, Orchard and Peninsula. Took train together with others before we split up at orchard as too many people were very hard to buy things.
I bought a pair of outing shoes and a long sleeve v-neck shirt from orchard which shops were Z from Far East Plaza and Heeren respectively.
Trained down to Peninsula with Yasseen who met us at ION Orchard. Trained down to Peninsula because Ivan wanted to buy shoes, a bag and shorts while me and Zhenghou aimed to purchased a pair of jeans.
Zhenghou and I went to a shop which I used to go named black haven. Bought a pair of jeans which was bargained by me from $28 to $23. Not bad eh.
Saw a shop nearby and had many football merchandise. Saw a Liverpool jersey which was cheaper than the usual price outside.
So I bought it. It was the away kit, the black one.
After that met back with Ivan and Yasseen and went to take a train again.
Ivan and I alighted at AMK to head to AMK hub while Yassen and Zhenghou continued their journey to the north (suppose to be west).
Very funny at AMK hub didn't buy anything the reason is all wasn't to our liking.
Like also couldn't fit properly.
So slacked there for awhile before my father came and pick me from dinner at night.
Ivan continued his journey to the south.
Yeah was quite a day today and shit tomorrow schooling again with a bloody darn test SS somemore!
Till next time,
7:47 AM
h Saturday, February 6, 2010
Headed to school today for CIP. Went with Ivan they all and took tins at around 9.
Went to Woodlands after that and saw Qistina all.
We split into 2 groups as too many people will not bring good business to us.
So I went with Zhenghou, Ivan and Omar to block 300 plus just opposite the library which is opposite causeway.
Ivan and Omar dumb forgot take the tins from Minghui before spliting up.
The place we went totally no people and the playground was freaky.
There were small tiny lady bugs which were yellow in colour and they look like shit maybe worst then shit.
Yeah, we actually spent most of our given time slacking and enjoying the wind. Played some music and chit-chatted in the smoothing breeze.
Laughed and joked about stuff and especially Zhenghou, his speciallity.
We only asked for donations from the people passing by and we were on the way there. haha!
Lazy to ask!!
Anyway, relaxed there till around late morning 11.30am before meeting the rest and heading back to our destination to return the tin can.
Our tin cans were ruined as we mischievious people kept shaking the tin can till the coin created the shape of the dent.
Zhenghou had the worst can because we squashed it while Omar had the worst donations with only a mere sum of 20cents. hai...
I got around $4 to $5 . Ivan donated his only money as like I said, he left his tin with Minghui and didn't retrieve it from him.
After returning the dented tin cans to school, took bus and went to 925 to eat while Ivan went home. Only Zhenghou, Xinyi and I ate and we ate chicken rice.
Bused back home with Zhenghou and Omar. Reached home was really nothing to do.
It didn't feel like a saturday at all it felt like thursday and friday combining.
Start school at 8.30am and finish at 12.30pm.
Went back home around 3 ready kept calling Sara as I was bored to the max.
Couldn't get through his phone so I had no choice but to stay at home and be bored.
Thats it for my day!
Dirk Kuyt the man for the big big games.
Till next time,
7:46 AM